Saturday, August 31, 2019

Real Presence: Eucharist

The Eucharistic Presence also known as the communion and the Last Supper is a significant part of the Christian religion . The Protestants believe that the communion is merely for the remembrance and the thanksgiving of Jesus’s sacrifice for the people. However the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox believe that the ritual is a physical union, becoming one with Jesus by partaking in the eating of the body and bread. Jesus spoke â€Å"My flesh is true food, my blood is true drink,†(John 6:55) when the disciples were gathered for the Last Supper before Jesus died on the cross.The intention of Jesus’s saying was not of a metaphor but to be accepted literally which is done so by the Catholic church. The Eucharist is a sacrament of the last supper. It involves sacred elements that go through transubstantiation, a change in the substance, essence. This theological concept can be referred to as a Real Presence, in which the bread and wine changes its substance into body a nd blood along with the soul and divinity of Jesus. The concept of Real Presence was opposed during the reformation period of 1500 when there was a division within the church.Before the concept of transubstantiation was officially codified, the term was already assumed and accepted in the literal sense. The oppositions and the divisions in the church lead the church into forming an Ecumenical council in Trent and the Vatican Council of 1962 where Episcopal powers aimed to defend and reinforce the belief in Real Presence. The Eucharist as the Real Presence of Christ can be seen through the Eucharistic dogma provided by the the Council of Trent, Vatican II.Certain excerpts from scripture can be used to display the consistency of belief in the Eucharist as the literal blood and body of Jesus Christ. John Macquarrie in â€Å"Paths in Spirituality† consist of concepts of temporal, spatial, and personal presence can be used to support the dogma of Eucharist as Real Presence. The Eu charist involves a theological concept of transubstantiation which was a term created to explain the mystery of the liturgy practice. It is a compound word consisting of two words that mean change and substance. Therefore the meaning of the word is a change of substance.The substance refers to the uniqueness and the very nature of anything that exists. The accident refers to the eternal qualities that are subject to the senses. The substance of the bread and wine which is refered to as the â€Å"breadness† and the â€Å"wineness† transforms into the substance of the body and blood of Christ. However the appearance and the physical state of the bread and wine, which can be tasted, touched, smelled, all do not change. There are numerous writings by significant church figures to support the literal interpretation of the Eucharist as the Real Presence of Christ.This can be seen in the works of Ignatius of Antioch, he writes â€Å"Strive then to make use of one form of tha nksgiving, for the flesh of Our Lord Jesus Christ is one and one is the Chalice in the union of His Blood, one alter, one bishop. † Saint Augustine wrote â€Å"It was in His flesh that Christ walked among us and it is his flesh that he has given us to eat for our salvation† The early fathers of the church attested the belief in transubstantiation. The concept of transubstantiation was officially codified at the Council of Trent.Even before the council of Trent, the Eastern church used a similar concept in Greek called metaousious â€Å"change of substance. † Variations in the interpretations regarding the liturgy of Eucharist started to form. The Protestant reformation gave a rise to Constantiation which was formed by Martin Luther. The protest with the universal faith of Christians in the Real Presence began during the Protestant Reformation when Zwingli and Calvin refuted the concept of the real physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist using their subjective interpretation of the text. Zwingli believed the Eucharist was just a symbolic experience.Calvin refuted that it was more than a symbol, but less than Jesus’ physical presence. He prefered a â€Å"spiritual† presence and never explained how this differed from the omnipresence of God. On the contrary, Luther protects the concept the Real Presence. Luther wrote: â€Å"Who, but the devil, hath granted such a license of wrestling the words of the holy Scripture? Who ever read in the Scriptures, that my body is the same as the sign of my body? Or, that is the same as it signifies? What language in the world ever spoke so? It is only then the devil, that imposeth upon us by these fanatical men. . . Not one of the Fathers, though so numerous, ever spoke as the Sacramentarians: not one of them ever said, It is only bread and wine; or, the body and blood of Christ is not there present. † Luther believed in Constantiation which was when the substance of the bread and win e remain the same, coexisting with the substance of Jesus’s blood and body. Eucharist as Real Presence can supported through biblical scriptures. The communion is for the receiving of Jesus into our bodies by eating his body and drinking his blood. In John 6:56 â€Å"He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. The word abide is significant in understanding transubstantiation. Jesus also uses the word â€Å"abide† in chapter fifteen when he mentions the vine and the vinedresser. The word abide in greek can also be translated as living. So Christ is living in those that have ate his flesh and drank of his blood. John Macquarrie in Paths in Spirituality supports the Eucharistic as Real Presence through three concepts of present reality. Presence has several different significations that are fundamental in understanding the concept of transubstantiation. The first one is temporal presence. In the Eucharist there is a presence in time.But the confl ict in this understanding is that The Last Supper happened two thousand years ago. So how would the church bridge the time in between? Macquarrie writes, â€Å"The Council of Trent, incidentally, used the word repraesentatio in connection with the Eucharist in the sense that it makes present again Christ’s saving work. We live between the Christ of history, of the historical incarnation, and the Christ of the future, the Christ who will come again with glory. But between times’ Christ is not absent. † Therefore in the Eucharist, Christ is fully, and physically present.Many protestants such as Bultmann, does not believe in the real, physical presence of Christ, rather a genuine presence in which Christ can only be revealed through the Word of God. But that is limiting the very possibility in Christ being present in many other ways. Where is Jesus present? God and Jesus is both omnipresent. But if God is present everywhere then what is the significance of Jesus be ing present in the bread and wine? Macquarrie inquires â€Å"But how can this be reconciled with the idea of a particular presence? † A universal presence of God is very hard to detect and recognize because he is simply everywhere.But if his presence is densed, localized and particularized into one area there will be â€Å"moments of intensity and meeting or encountering of God. Even in the Old Testament, God’s presence was localized in the Ark of the Covenant, where His presence was experienced with intensity. The church can be an another example of sacred space. Macquarrie claims, â€Å"If there was no particular places where one might find Christ present, I do not think he would be present anywhere. † Summation of the presences leads to the personal presence. It is a multidimensional presence where it is not limited to time and space.Christ can be revealed in the actions of his people. He is revealed in the community of the faithful, the body of Christ, â₠¬Å"sometimes called the extension of the incarnation. † Protestants receive the Eucharist as spiritual presence. however the spiritual presence is inferior to the personal presence. Personal presence has no limitations and boundaries in the human experience which includes spatial, temporal and even spiritual. Because the accidents of the elements do not change, there is no empirical verification, leaving the presence visible only to those that have eyes of faith.Many Christians abstain from the practice of Eucharist because they refuse to believe that the Eucharist is the real flesh of Jesus Christ. Even great Christian thinkers like Calvin believed in a limited presence of Christ in the communion. In disputing over the real presence in Eucharist through biblical justifications, divisions in the church started to form. â€Å"Interpretation of certain verses has been a source of division between Christians, and not only in creating separation between Catholics and Protestants. Luther and Calvin also stood in fundamental disagreement over the doctrine of the real presence in the elements, and these verses played no small part in that dispute. † However this was good for the church because they were able to filter out the different interpretations of the Eucharist. The Eucharist as the Real Presence of Christ can be seen through the Eucharistic dogma provided by the the Council of Trent, Vatican II. John Macquarrie in â€Å"Paths in Spirituality† can also assist further supporting the idea of real presence through the concepts of temporal, spatial, and personal presence.CITATIONS – Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Mysterium Fidei. 1965, St. Paul Books and Media, Boston, MA. p. 354. – St. Ignatius â€Å"Letter to the Romans,† J. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers, p. 405. – Luther’s Collected Works, Wittenburg Edition, Vol. VII, p. 391. – Foster, Paul. 2006. â€Å"Jesus, The Real Presence of God (John 6:35, 41 -51). † Expository Times 117, no. 10: 416-417. – Macquarrie, John. Paths in Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. p. 83-93 ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Mysterium Fidei. 1965, St.Paul Books and Media, Boston, MA. p. 354. [ 2 ]. Luther’s Collected Works, Wittenburg Edition, Vol. VII, p. 391. [ 3 ]. Macquarrie, John. Paths in Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. p 84 [ 4 ]. Macquarrie, John. Paths in Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. p 83 [ 5 ]. Macquarrie, John. Paths in Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. p 84 [ 6 ]. Macquarrie, John. Paths in Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. p 84 [ 7 ]. Foster, Paul. 2006. â€Å"Jesus, The Real Presence of God (John 6:35, 41-51). † Expository Times 117, no. 10: 416-417.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Morality and Money Essay

No doubt, Money is an essential, almost indispensable article in the present day world. It is the’ money’ through which we can purchase all the necessary comforts and amenities of life. If you have money, you can obtain what seems impossible to others. It is the money which gives man, confidence, creditworthiness, credentials, capacity, capabilities and courage. In present day materialistic world, money has become very powerful. In the present day corruption, cut throat competition, callous degradation of moral and ethical values, are for the sake of grabbing and accumulating more and more money. The prestige, respect, social status, commanded by a person is calculated per his monetary status. Time has gone, when we valued a person in evaluated of his moral and ethical values. People were earlier known for keeping their words, for donating every thing to a donee. Now people are know in terms of their ranking in the list of rich of the world. Money has become the centre of all activities. Money and muscle power have become essential ingredients of a successful political leader. Money is regarded as omnipotent by a few people, particularly by the poor. As whatever one does not possess, one aspires it badly, and it becomes mono aim of achievement. For the rich, that owe lots of money, still craving to earn more and more, by hook or by crook, with fair or foul means, without caring even for their own health, own family. They are the servants of money, earning money not for the sake of themselves but for the sake of money and a time comes they find themselves unable to use the money for their happiness. They are unable to eat, unable to taste the most delicious dish, unable to move, walk or enjoy because they suffer from many diseases which are the result of their undue craving for wealth at the cost of health. Can one purchase anything with the power of money? No, one cannot. You cannot purchase inner satisfaction with money, you cannot purchase the lost youthfulness with money, you cannot purchase time from the death at any cost. Those who earn money simply to a have more money, more balance in their accounts are no better than the proverbial miser king ‘Midas’. Excessive love for money, make a man slave of money. Money is important for our life, but it is not the most important thing for a human being. Those who use money for fulfilling their necessities, acquiring reasonable comforts and for the welfare of a common good, are the masters of money. But those who earn money just for the sake of increasing its volume and number are slaves of the money. They are the most unfortunate creatures of God who know well that whatever money they are earning, can’t be taken an iota of that when they die even they are minting more and more money. What a paradox Money has become their master and they are just slaves, having no peace of mind, no moral and ethical values, no inner satisfaction. So it is rightly said that money is a good servant but a bad master. Let us use the money for our comfort, not for the sake of money, minting more and more money.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps was born in 6.30,1985 in Baltimore of the US. Unfortunatly, he got a very terrible and unhappy time in his childhood. His parents always quarreled and quarreled. Little Michael felt so sad,so he put himself into the swimming pool. It seemed to be the only way for him to keep happy. When he was 15 ,Michael competed at the Sydeny Olympics. But the reault seemed a little disappointed. He didn't win a medal. But he never gave up. After that,he swam every day,no Christmas,no New Year,even no brithdays. A famous saying goes†Where there is a will,there is a way. After 4 years training,he did a nice job in the Athens Olyimpics. He got 8 medals. And 6 of them are gold medals. Now he is one of the greatest swimmers in the world. I still remembered what he said after the Athens Olyimpics. He said â€Å"I don't want to be Mark Spitz No. 2 ,I just want to be Michael Phelps No. 1. â€Å"Now he realized his dream. He won 8 gold medals in the Beijing Olyimpics. He broke the wo rld records,he made the history. Of course he made him famous to the whole world.Stephen Hawking has ever said†Life is not fair,so you have to do the best in your own situation. â€Å"Michael sets a very good example to us. Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is – there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done†¦ ), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating N atalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning. Michael Phelps Michael Phelps was born in 6.30,1985 in Baltimore of the US. Unfortunatly, he got a very terrible and unhappy time in his childhood. His parents always quarreled and quarreled. Little Michael felt so sad,so he put himself into the swimming pool. It seemed to be the only way for him to keep happy. When he was 15 ,Michael competed at the Sydeny Olympics. But the reault seemed a little disappointed. He didn't win a medal. But he never gave up. After that,he swam every day,no Christmas,no New Year,even no brithdays. A famous saying goes†Where there is a will,there is a way. After 4 years training,he did a nice job in the Athens Olyimpics. He got 8 medals. And 6 of them are gold medals. Now he is one of the greatest swimmers in the world. I still remembered what he said after the Athens Olyimpics. He said â€Å"I don't want to be Mark Spitz No. 2 ,I just want to be Michael Phelps No. 1. â€Å"Now he realized his dream. He won 8 gold medals in the Beijing Olyimpics. He broke the wo rld records,he made the history. Of course he made him famous to the whole world.Stephen Hawking has ever said†Life is not fair,so you have to do the best in your own situation. â€Å"Michael sets a very good example to us. Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is – there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done†¦ ), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating N atalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The impact of consumption and Investment on the GDP in Qatar (1990- Statistics Project

The impact of consumption and Investment on the GDP in Qatar (1990- 2012) - Statistics Project Example The reason for selecting this period of data was the incomplete data for all three variables that could have extended the analysis for the longer period. Moreover, it is important to provide definition of three variables included in the analysis. Net FDI = â€Å"The net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor.† (â€Å"Indicator Queries†). The table indicated the country’s GDP increased significantly from 1994 to 2011 as the lowest value was recorded in 1994 and the maximum value was achieved in 2011. A sharp decline in the country’s GDP was recorded in 2009. Similar trends were observed in other two variables. The country’s exports increased significantly in the year 2011. The third variable ‘net inflows’ also showed a steady growth in the selected period. However, in 2011 a major decline was recorded. The results indicated that the value of adjusted R2 was 0.9871, which implies that the regression model implemented explained 98.71% of the total variations observed in 18 data entries. The regression equation obtained from the analysis indicated that the coefficient of constant, ÃŽ ²0 was 664545798.4126. A high value of constant coefficient suggested that there are other factors that affect the country’s GDP. Referring back to the equation of GDP provided, it could be noted that there are other variables included in the calculation of GDP. The coefficient of slopes obtained from the regression analysis were ÃŽ ²1 = 1.4160 (exports) and ÃŽ ²2 = 3.7452 (FDI net inflow). These values indicated that there is a positive relationship between GDP and exports and GDP and FDI net inflows. The findings reassert that to calculate a country’s GDP the values of investment and exports are added. The results imply that for every $1 increase or decrease in exports the country’s GDP would increase or decrease by $1.4160 respectively.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Leadership and Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Leadership and Managment - Essay Example Keywords: global, Nokia, corporate social responsibility, stakeholders. Global Leadership and Management Nokia has always been one of the leaders of the global telecommunications industry. Nokia’s mobile gadgets are used and loved by millions of consumers around the world. The quality and efficiency of Nokia’s strategies cannot be overestimated. However, the company is not always sensitive to the needs and concerns of its employees and stakeholders. At the heart of this discussion is Nokia’s decision to move its production facilities from Germany to Romania. Of the biggest concern is the fact that German facilities have been extremely profitable, and Nokia’s striving to cut its costs by all possible means subjects thousands of employees to the risks of unemployment and poverty. The goal of this paper is to review the strategies used by Nokia in its movement to the top of the business hierarchy and to analyze the pros and cons of Nokia’s approaches t o global expansion and growth. Until 2008, Nokia had been the biggest global manufacturer of cell phones (Jain, 2009). Based in Finland, Nokia gradually turned into the leading provider of cell phone devices and applications in the global telecommunications industry. ... A decision was made to close the plant in Germany and move production facilities to Romania (Jain, 2009). Nokia believed that cost reductions was a necessity and would help the company to retain its profitable position in the global telecommunications industry (Jain, 2009). Reasons why Nokia decided to move its production facilities from Germany to Romania were simple and obvious: employees in Germany were paid ten times as much as employees in Romania would need to fulfill the same amount of work (Jain, 2009). Moreover, the creation of a new plant in Romania was part of Nokia’s low-cost strategy (Jain, 2009). At that time, the company ran a number of manufacturing facilities in Europe (namely, Hungary, Finland and Germany), a manufacturing plant in Britain, as well as in Africa and the Middle East (Jain, 2009). The plant in Germany added to the burden of costs carried by Nokia in Europe, and the company management felt that moving to Romania was the best way to stay competiti ve in the long run. The decision to move the production facilities from Germany to Romania stirred mass protests, and the wave of backlash resulting from employee opposition soon expanded to cover European consumers of Nokia (Jain, 2009). Employees disagreed with Nokia’s decision to move the plant to Romania, mainly because Nokia’s presence in Germany had been extremely profitable for the entire business (Jain, 2009). Labor unions in Germany called Nokia’s strategic plans unacceptable and inhuman (Jain, 2009). In the meantime, Nokia believed that the German plant would reduce the company’s global competitiveness (Jain, 2009). The plant accounted for more than

DELACROIX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DELACROIX - Essay Example In London, Delacroix studied various works of English painters who he greatly admired and inspired some of his later works (Villarreal par. 25). The trip to London brought Delacroix closer to mimicking the works and colorful style of Reuben’s paintings. Such influence of English paintings and artwork was evident in his later work in 1930, July 28: Liberty Leading the People. The painting Liberty Leading the people commemorated the recent French revolution as this canvas was a reflection of the artist’s change of style. Delacroix fascination for the work of English painters started early in his career pushing him to visit London. Various elements of artistic migration are evident in Eugene Delacroixs works especially after a visit to England. Most of Delacroixs works between 1820 and 1830 were greatly influenced by the English painting particularly after visiting London in 1825. Delacroix visited England accompanied by his artistic English friends Thales Fielding and Richard Parkes. Even early before 1830 and before the visit to England, Delacroix had great interest in English paintings especially the use of watercolors and oil techniques evident in English landscape paintings. The artist’s friendship with English friends greatly influenced the love and interest in English works. Delacroix’s works when during the time he was in England show great influence from the English painter, Sir Thomas Lawrence. Most of the artist’s works depend on his interpretation of the British portraits according to his understanding and personality. One of Delacroix’s most outstanding works during the period he was in London was the portrait of Louis-Auguste (Baron) Schwiter in 1826. The painting is similar to most English portraits from the time by trying to capture schwiters character as he is posing and standing in a park. Delacroix does not portray a relaxed attitude of Schwiter but chooses to emphasize on

Monday, August 26, 2019

The history of Arab-Israeli conflict Was the Oslo peace agreement Essay

The history of Arab-Israeli conflict Was the Oslo peace agreement failure Why - Essay Example The 26 years of Israeli occupation were the period, preceding the signed Oslo agreement (usually called Oslo Accord). These 26 years are divided into the two different periods: the first period is called 'easy conquest'1. It was the period, during which Israel kept around 15,000 of military occupiers at the Palestinian territory. This number was drastically increased during the period of Intifada, and according to various estimates, the number of Israeli troops at that time was more than 180,000; but in the period of 1981-83, the new rules of governing Palestinian people were implemented, and the indirect ruling was replaced by the Israeli manpower, which had to govern Palestinians at each level. This was the beginning of perception, that Palestinians didn't feel free and safe on their territory anymore, and thus the need of peaceful resolution was becoming more and more evident. What we see at present - are the consequences of the flawed process of Oslo agreement, which has been bui lt in the wrong direction from the very beginning. We have here to understand, what were the backgrounds of such agreement, and why Palestinians have not accepted it as the means of finding a common solution to their problem, as through the literary sources reviewed, Palestinians are depicted as the victims of the unfair attitudes, stated in Oslo Accord. The consequ The flaws of Oslo Accord and its failure as a means of finding peaceful agreement The consequences - violent confrontation, disproportionally massive Israeli repression and widespread Palestinian rebellion followed by the great loss of life, the majority of which is also Palestinian,2 are the examples of the situations witnessing the final stage of Oslo process failure. This process is stated to be flawed from the very beginning. 'Oslo was designed to segregate the Palestinians in non-contiguous enclaves, surrounded by Israeli-controlled borders, with settlements and settlement roads punctuating and essentially violating the territories' integrity, expropriations and house demolitions proceeding inexorably through the Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu and Barak administrations along with the expansion and multiplication of settlements (200,000 Israeli Jews added to Jerusalem, 200,000 more in Gaza and the West Bank), military occupation continuing, and every tiny step taken toward Palestinian sovereignty -- including agreements to withdraw in minuscule, agreed-upon phases - - stymied, delayed, cancelled at Israel's will'.3 I suppose that Oslo process has displayed a number of serious flaws, each of which has contributed into its failure, and thus is to be considered separately. The first flaw of the Oslo Accord and the peace process in general was in the fact that this very process has presupposed long period of 'mini-withdrawals' of the Israeli military occupiers, but only in exchange of Palestinian 'silence'.4 The core of this flaw is in the suggestion and unreal idea that Palestine would easily give up its attempts to win its territory and thus Israeli would have free opportunity to continue its occupation; but this belief was absolutely unreal. The second flaw was in the fact, that Oslo agreement implied Palestinians had to prove to the Israeli state, that they could be trusted, in exchange for certain small rewards. 5 This idea was stated by Aruri (2000)6 as

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Is a College Degree Necessary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is a College Degree Necessary - Essay Example In my opinion, not every student should go to college. First of all, not every vocation needs a college degree. We live in a complex and diverse society and there are many different characters, such as, doctors, businessmen, professors, lawyers, skilled laborers, salesmen, gardeners, and so on. Different vocations need different degrees. A good mechanics does not need a college degree; he just needs to learn the skills about the way to fix all kinds of cars. A great gardener also does not need a college degree; he just needs to know the way to grow saplings make landscape designs. According to Mike, there are many high school kids who do not find college-prep classes interesting. Because of this, many of them drop out. They do not think that their schools are preparing them the way they should be. Here, an important point is that these kids are not defiant or lazy; rather they want to experience everything, learn practical skills, and pursue a respectable professional career upon graduating from high schools. On the other hand, if everyone goes to college to get a college degree, our society will be in a kind of disharmony. When you get a college degree, you will be unwilling to get some low-paying, dirty, or tiring job like dustman, dishwasher, or doorman. These jobs are of grass root level but necessary. We can imagine if nobody wants to do these jobs, the world will be in a disaster as no one would clean trash, nobody would wash dishes, and no one would clean streets. Our world will be dirty and cluttered. According to Mike, labor experts believe that the U.S. is likely to face a severe shortage of skilled workers. For example, the blue-collar baby boomers are leaving their jobs due to retirements and schools are not paying attention towards preparing others to replace them. The fact is that the U.S. needs blue-collar workers, such as, machinists, carpenters, welders, electricians, cable technicians, etc. just the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Policy, politics and public management-A look at the impacts of ethics Essay

Policy, politics and public management-A look at the impacts of ethics in public policy on real estate - Essay Example The Attorney General Office’s Division on Civil Rights was responsible for the introduction, promotion, and enforcement of the State Law Against Discrimination. This law provides for equal housing opportunity regardless of â€Å"a persons race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, marital status, domestic partnership status, familial status, affectional or sexual orientation, sex, or mental and physical disability, including AIDS and HIV-related illness.† ( The law, while it does not prevent discrimination on the basis of age, does prevent discrimination of families with children. The sole exception being residences that are specifically established for occupancy by the elderly. There are also groups like the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Company that put time and money into educating the residents of New Jersey about the Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit, a program that assists financially needy families and individuals in locating housing and giving them a helping hand when it comes to buying property. Also active is the Council on Affordable Housing, a part of New Jersey’s Department of Community Affairs. The combined efforts of these groups and others like them have aided in making the New Jersey Real Estate market accessible for every person. The government, through it’s own initiative and through the lobbying of independent special interest groups has ensured that every person, regardless of distinguishing characteristics, will have the opportunity to afford a place to live and raise a family. It wasn’t always this way, however. In order to better grasp the impact that these groups have had on the real estate market in New Jersey, and in the rest of the country as well, it would be wise to examine the state of affairs prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Prior to that piece of legislation a business owner had the right to refuse service to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Visualising Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Visualising Society - Assignment Example In 2008, BP had already announced a plan to spend up to $2 billion to expand existing pipelines and build new connections to Gulf Coast refiners, with projected delivery up to 250,000 barrels 2012 (Hoovers 2010). The company also gained additional properties in the Gulf of Mexico. On April 20, 2010 a rig working less than 50 miles south of Louisiana exploded on the Deepwater Horizon rig off the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Initial word from the U.S. Coast Guard was that no oil spill had resulted from the combustion. Briefly after the statement, the U.S. government announced 1,000 barrels of thick oil per day were spilling into the ocean. The preliminary estimate was soon changed to 42,000 gallons or 5,000 barrels per day. BP initially rejected those estimates, but was confronted with environmental assessments that revealed a spill potentially worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. Events leading up to and subsequent to the spill are outlined in the following timeline (Elliot 2010): April 20: at approximately 10:00 PM (CET) a fire was reported on the Deepwater Horizon rig, owned by Transocean Ltd. which was leased by lessor energy giant BP. On April 21, Transocean, Ltd. stated that there was no mention of the spill, despite eleven workers killed on site. April 22: Coast Guard spokeswoman Katherine McNamara indicates disaster level spill. BPs chief executive, Tony Hayward, tells the public that Bp is responding with "everything in our power to contain this oil spill and resolve the situation as rapidly, safely and effectively as possible." The rig sinks. April 27: After underwater robots fail in an attempt to stop the flow of oil. The U.S. Coast Guard attempts to trap the oil in containment booms, and then set it on fire. BP indicates that it will commence drilling of a new relief well near the spill site, but completion of the process could take months. In a communication from Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), chair

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Syria Essay Example for Free

The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Syria Essay Introduction: The Syrian Arab Republic lies on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, between Turkey and Lebanon, stretching eastward towards Iraq and Jordan. Of its total area (18. 5 million ha) one-third is arable land or forest. The remainder consists mainly of steppe (Al Badia) or rocky areas. The Mediterranean climate, rainy winters and dry, hot summers separated by two short transitional seasons, prevails in the Syrian Arab Republic. The Syrian Arab Republic compares in land size with Tunisia, Senegal, Uruguay or Cambodia, and in population (16. 7 million) with much smaller Netherlands or much larger Chile or Madagascar. Syrian resident population increases by 0. 4 million per year, a still high rate of 2. 45 percent, despite the long term deceleration. Demographic growth imposes a heavy pressure on the economy and its natural resource base. Population is evenly distributed between urban and rural areas, making almost half of it depend mainly on agricultural and related activities. Indeed, agriculture is the main source of employment for the Syrian labour force. Agricultural land (arable land and permanent crops) account for about one-third of the total land area, a proportion similar to Tunisia, slightly above Greece and slightly below Bulgaria, while the rural density of population (1. 15 rural inhabitant per ha of agricultural land) compares with those of Greece or Morocco. Type of State: Syria is a republic officially based on a parliamentary democracy but in reality it is controlled by an authoritarian, military dominated regime where the President and his ruling party have immense powers. Type of economy: Lower-middle-income economy. A country which depends a lot on its petroleum activity. It ranks 29th in the world with production of 26 million tones. Agriculture has an important place: the sector employs 35% of the active population. Economy overview The Syrian economy grew by an estimated 3. 3% in real terms in 2007 led by the petroleum and agricultural sectors, which together account for about one-half of GDP. Higher crude oil prices countered declining oil production and led to higher budgetary and export receipts. Damascus has implemented modest economic reforms in the past few years, including cutting lending interest rates, opening private banks, consolidating all of the multiple exchange rates, raising prices on some subsidized items, most notably gasoline and cement, and establishing the Damascus Stock Exchange which is set to begin operations in 2009. In October 2007, for example, Damascus raised the price of subsidized gasoline by 20%, and may institute a rationing system in 2008. In addition, President ASAD signed legislative decrees to encourage corporate ownership reform, and to allow the Central Bank to issue Treasury bills and bonds for government debt. Nevertheless, the economy remains highly controlled by the government. Long-run economic constraints include declining oil production, high unemployment and inflation, rising budget deficits, and increasing pressure on water supplies caused by heavy use in agriculture, rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and water pollution. Real GDP and growth rate of Syria: GDP real growth rate: 4. 3% (2007 est. ) Definition: This entry gives GDP growth on an annual basis adjusted for inflation and expressed as a percent. The economy of Syria has seen a moderate growth over the last three years as can be depicted in the real GDP growth rate which averaged 5 percent over the last three years. In 2005, real GDP grew significantly by 21. 74, 25% between 2006-7 and 22. 86 between 2007-8. Inflation rate (consumer prices): 12. 2% (2007 est. ) Year Inflation rate (consumer prices) Percent Change Date of Information 2006 5. 00 % 138. 10 % 2005 est. 2007 8. 00 % 60. 00 % 2006 est. 2008 12. 20 % 52. 50 % 2007 est. Definition: This entry furnishes the annual percent change in consumer prices compared with the previous years consumer prices. The chart shows an increase in consumer price from 2005 to 2008. Year Export Import Net export 2005-6 424300 502369 -78069 2006-7 505012 531324 -26312 2007-8 579034 684557 -105523 Exports and Imports of Syria: Our export rose from 2006 to 2008 but also on the second hand, our export rose from 2006 to 2008. In all the years we can notice that our import is more than our export which is reflects badly on GDP. Government Tax, government expenditures and fiscal deficit: Syrias system of income tax is apportioned into three main income categories: (1) profits from an industrial, commercial, or non-commercial activity; (2) wages; and (3) income derived from movable capital assets. While the overall fiscal deficit increased to about 3 percent of GDP in 2007 the non-oil deficit remained stable. This reflected a drop in expenditures by about one percent of GDP, as both current and capital outlays declined. This was achieved despite the pressure on budgetary expenditure arising from the large number of Iraqi refugees. Oil revenue decreased by about 2 percent of GDP as the net external oil trade surplus virtually disappeared. Non-oil receipts, also declined, partly reflecting the reduction in customs tariffs. The external current account deficit widened to an estimated 3. 3 percent of GDP in 2007 (from 2. 8 percent in 2006). The net oil surplus (after subtracting the share of foreign partners) was eliminated due to a decline in output and an increase in domestic consumption. However, non-oil exports, tourism, and transfers, were buoyant partly as a result of strong regional demand and the relaxation of foreign exchange controls. Net foreign assets of the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) and the Commercial Bank of Syria (CBoS) stood at about $17 billion. The World Economic Crisis and the Syrian Economy Prices are rocketing in Syria. All things has doubled its prices and maybe tripled. A quick view to the average of salaries in Syria and comparing it to the prices will give you a quick idea about the World economic crisis and its effects on Syria. Syria Has faced one of the worst seasons in the agriculture field last year. The effect of drought has hit the meat and the framers who are growing ups Goats. Syria is depending on goat as a main source of meat in contrast to other parts of the world, which depends on cows. The prices of meat were at the bottom during last summer. That was owing to the drought and the lack of grasslands in Syria. What happened in this fall is the rocketing of Meat prices, which has doubled. That is only one face of problem. The other face of the economic crisis of the world and its effect on Syria is another issue. The effect of this crisis on Syria is mild. Thanks to George Bush who has put sanction on Syria especially in the financial field. These sanctions have limited the relations between Syrian Financial firms and The American ones. This has saved Syria from the crisis at least till now. Here we have not seen a bankrupted banks or insurance companies. Syrian financial sector still junior and limited to the Syrian market and it has not any big relation with the world financial sector. With an embryonic banking sector, low leverage ratios, and no stock market, Syria seemed ideally positioned to escape the brunt of the global rout. But Syria has not been so lucky. Gathering storm clouds are evident in the shifting tone and statements of Syrian Government officials. Conclusions: Syria’s politicians are much like those in other countries. Few predicted the extent to which their economy would be hit by the global credit crisis. The Russian ruble is under serious attack by currency traders and has fallen more than ten percent over the last few days. Recent economic reforms have opened Syria’s doors to a great array of new imports; tariffs between Arab states have been eradicated altogether, forcing Syrian manufacturers to compete with inexpensive imports for the first time. Chinese goods, falsely labeled as â€Å"made in the UAE† are now entering Syria with few mark ups. To make matters worse, the Syrian pound has risen in value against the dollar at the same time that the government has slashed subsidies on petroleum and electricity. Local producers are reeling from these many challenges. Government officials have responded with a few stop gap measures to protect local producers, such as restricting the source countries of products and by threatening to buy the products that carry suspiciously undervalued invoices. Importers commonly avoid paying import duties by low-balling purchase prices on their invoices for non-Arab produced imports. While such measures look good on paper, they are notoriously hard to implement and police. Syrian import duties are simply too high and importers will continue to find ways to avoid exorbitant duties, whether by by outright smuggling or by falsifying invoices. It is very hard to keep inexpensive foreign manufactures from getting into Syria. This is a war that local producers stand little chance of winning. Syria needs to use the recent drop in commodity prices to devalue its currency and improve its export competitiveness. It also needs to broaden its tax collection base. This can be done by lowering exorbitant import duties that force merchants to cheat and by tightening income tax collection on the countries wealthy and well off. References: Dr.Hayan Ahmed Salman, S. (2008) â€Å"The activation of our foreign trade to face the global financial crisis the concept and Economic Accounting’’ iqtissadiya [online], Vol. 347. Available,www. iqtissadiya. com, [Accessed 10 June, 2009]. Syria. (2009). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved June 12, 2009, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online:http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/578856/Syria, Sarris, A. 2002. Final Report on Agricultural Development Strategy for Syria. December 2001. (Chapter 1)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The argument from religious experience for the existence of God Essay Example for Free

The argument from religious experience for the existence of God Essay Examine the argument from religious experience for the existence of God. To what extent does it support the probability of God? Richard Swinburne summarises religious experience for many by saying, experience of God or some other supernatural thing. Others would state that it is simply an experience of something beyond themselves. On the other hand, William Jamess focus is on the individual, taking the route of a psychologist to determine the validity of an experience. However it is defined, the topic of religious experience has been under scrutiny for centuries, with records of experiences dating back to before Christ; for example the burning bush in the Bible. However the evidence in place from those times appears to be on the same level as it is today. So are religious experiences real, and do they support the idea of God? The two main types of religious experience are special revelation and general revelation. Special being when people think/feel that God has made Himself known to them directly, perhaps through visions, dreams, prayer, miraculous healing, conversion or charismatic phenomena. General revelation is where people think/feel that God is revealing Himself indirectly to them. This is normally through the beauty of nature, although it could also be through things like religious writings and moreover in other people. This is basically seeing God through Gods creations, such as you can see the wonder of an artist through his fine artwork. Reports of religious experiences have tended to exhibit similar characteristics. For example many who have undergone near death experiences claim to have seen their lives flashing before their eyes before seeing a bright white light. In fact these scenes are so common; they have become the stereotype for film depictions of near death experiences. Many would argue that if so many people have experienced comparable sightings, then is there some truth to be found in this? Psychologists may argue that since one or two have announced this, others may have simply conjured a similar image from their brain as they believe that that is what the experience should appear as. There are four classifications of religious experience, which were formulated by William James in 1902. The first of these is Ineffability; which is a state of experience that is difficult to describe as it is unlike any other. The second being Noetic Quality; which is said to be where the experience reveals insights that are beyond the scope of normal human reason. The third classification is Transciency. This is said to not last very long, and are vaguely remembered. The final classification is Passivity, which is described as the person having a profound sense of being taken over. Also, whilst undergoing the experience they are said to lose control to a more powerful being, namely God. This experience can also be described as being beyond human control. When he formulated these classifications, James was trying to create a classic description of religious experience, and identified the four key features that they tended to have. However, there are faults with each classification. The fault with ineffability is that if an experience is ineffable, then it is hard to examine because you wouldnt know what you were examining. The problem with the second classification is if it is Noetic then any truth gained from the experience cannot be subjected to reason, as you cant verify it (apart from by other people who have had one). Thirdly, if an experience is transcient then it cannot be tested. With the forth classification, James has jumped to an assumption, because even if passivity may indicate the presence of another being it does not have to be God. As just explained religious experiences tend to be out of the ordinary as people describe being in the presence of an awesome power. Religious experiences more often have positive feedback, encouraging people to better themselves as theyve had an awakening past the realms of our material world. Being a very individual and personal experience which seems to be somewhat unique for everyone, it is difficult for the individual to explain the experience. This leads to difficulties in checking the validity of the experience. With these ideas in mind we can now discuss the argument that religious experiences can be used as evidence for the existence of God. This topic has been debated for centuries, gathering attention from many philosophers whose views I will be using to support both sides of this argument. Supporters of this argument include Brian Davies and Richard Swinburne. Davies approaches this argument very open mindedly, with the view that the claim might be correct, so it is at least possible. Swinburnes approach is very much more one sided, should accept unless one has some reason to question. Like the majority of ethical theories, there are more objectors than supporters. Some of these being C.R. Davies and, from a different perspective, Feuerbach, Freud and Marx. C.R. Davies says that people who claim to have had a religious experience may be unreliable, and on the basis that they may be either lying or were hallucinating due to drugs or alcohol. Freud believes that supposed religious experiences are just wishful thinking brought about by personal beliefs, normally as a way to deal with fears or desires. Feuerbach and Marx also take a psychological approach. My personal opinion, tends to side with Feuerbach when he says, It fails to make a distinction between feeling that I am right and actually being right. There is most probably a psychological explanation for what the person has experienced, and as there is no conclusive evidence that the experience did in fact happen, one should not make blind leaps into falsities. The argument from religious experience has been criticised on many grounds, such as that the proof it is based on (religious experiences) is not actually valid evidence. One of the top issues is that there so many different religious around the world, each of which claims to have religious experiences of their particular deity. The fact that the being revealed is almost always the God of the believed faith seems to be stigmata. However, a response to this is that yes, even if the God that is revealing itself to them is claimed to be a different one through the different religions, it doesnt make the experience less real to the person. Examples of this are Buddhas enlightenment, Saul on the road to Damascus and Guru Nanalis experience of God. Another criticism that people have is that religious experiences are too vague; they are experiences from which inferences are made and assumptions that it was God. In turn, this raises questions about the source of the experience. The response to this is simply then what kind of experiences can we trust? This links us back to transciency, experiences do not last long and are imperfectly remembered, which is a problem when it comes to validating experiences; leading us to believe that we cannot trust any experiences, as we have no way of testing them empirically. Furthermore, psychologists have raised questions by examining the mental explanations to experiencing revelations, etc. The human mind is so powerful that it is possible that one could simply conjure a vision or revelation, and with the knowledge about the human mind increasing all the time, this view is becoming more popular with scientists. Freud shares this view as he feels that religious experiences are illusions associated with repressed sexual memories and interest in religion is a psychological obsession. Whereas Feuerbach feels that people invent religion as a crutch as they are dissatisfied with their actual lives. He also influenced Marx, who had the view that religion is used by the capitalist class to control people and maintain the status quo. He also believes that religious experiences are a persons conscious or unconscious choice that reflects the persons needs or desires. After studying both the strengths and weaknesses of this argument, I have come to the conclusion that religious experiences fail to convince me. As previously stated, they are unable to produce empirical evidence, some are vague, even in classification, and they are unreliable to be tested as they oppose all the rules of nature. The fact that there are more weaknesses than strengths means we cannot reliably validate religious experiences, and therefore they cannot be given as solid valid evidence for the existence of God. Bibliography: * Dialogue Articles * Class Notes * * *

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Radical Feminists Conviction Of Destroying Patriarchy Religion Essay

The Radical Feminists Conviction Of Destroying Patriarchy Religion Essay Themiscyra. The land of the amazons. In Greek mythology, it is a place where no man is allowed to set foot in. A place where the woman is free from the abusive clutches of patriarchy. A haven for women and by women. Such a world would appeal to the radical feminist. Ever since feminism was birthed into the world, it kept evolving and becoming more drastic as the ages go by. Initially a response to chauvinism and gender inequality, women only wanted an equal chance for themselves. However, there are those who pushed it to the extreme. Thus, feminism has transformed into its most destructive form, radical feminism. Its mission is to destroy patriarchy and everything that is associated with it. Radical feminisms favorite targets are the institution of marriage, the Church, as well as Christianity. A once, good and just act, feminism has been reformed into a damaging tool. And it has started hammering. However, the researchers believe that knowledge about radical feminism would be the best defense against it. By exposing its harmful ways through the use of Church teachings and Sacred Scripture, one may be able to guard against it. The City of Themiscyra would never be established. Statement of the Problem The problem that we face with radical feminism is the lack of information of the negative ideologies that it subtly disseminates through media. Today, media has become more relevant to many peoples lives. Feminisms goal of pursuing equality through the empowerment of women blurs with radical feminisms primary goal. Radical feminism basically campaigns their ideologies through different media. Radical feminism gives women the idea that they do not need a man to be completely human. The last statement is against what the Church taught men and women-to love each other as they love themselves. That being said, the researchers have identified the problems to be: The lack of information about radical feminism how radical feminism subtly affects the people as main patrons of media how radical feminism ideologies change peoples view on marriage Research The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women defines feminism as: A worldwide movement that seeks to raise womens political, economic and social status and fights for gender equality in all aspects of life in all societies. The concepts underlying feminism continue to evolve according to the socioeconomic, political and cultural context in which the movement is taking place. There are many different kinds of feminism and writer Masilungan defines one kind of feminism: liberal feminism. It emphasizes social and legal reforms through policies designed to create equal opportunities. She claims that liberal feminism underpins mainstreaming efforts that lead to extensive changes in womens legal rights and status. According to her another type is cultural feminism. It contends that there are fundamental personality differences between women and men, that sexism can be overcome by celebrating womens special qualities, womens ways and womens experiences. In line with this, cultural feminists believe that womens ways are better, and that propagating these ways would make the world a better place. The explanation further goes on by mentioning that there would be no more wars if women were to rule nations because women have a gentler, kinder nature. Ecofenimism is also another form of feminism. Ecofeminism rests on the basic principle that patriarchy is harmful to women, children and other living beings, and often draws from parallelism between a male-dominated societys exploitative treatment of the environment and its resources, and its treatment of women. These are some of the types of feminism but the focus of this paper is radical feminism which can be defined as a type of feminism which looks at gender as the primary form of oppression and sees class and race as extensions of patriarchal domination. Most of its strategies are focused on reshaping consciousness and redefining social relations to create a woman-centered culture (Masilungan 2003). To compare with other types of feminism, radical feminism is a relatively new branch of feminism. Scalon claims that radical feminism started out during the second wave of feminism which was in the 70s, around the late 60s to the mid-70s (129). Before the second wave of feminism womens lives were centered on their husbands and their roles as just mothers or wives (Hobbs 19). It is also a relatively new branch of feminism in the perspective that radical feminism may be seen as a result of the inadequacy of its predecessor, liberal feminism. Compared to liberal feminism, radical feminism provides aims to restructure the society by abolishing patriarchy (OConnor 61). Many tell-tale signs can be seen regarding the radical feminists ideologies. Allan Turner basically summarizes it by claiming that they are Anti-Bible, Anti-God and Anti-Christ. Being anti-Bible can be seen from American feminist and theologian, Rosmary Ruethers speech marks; Feminist theology must create a new textual base, a new canon. Feminist theology cannot be done from the existing base of the Christian Bible. It is also being Anti-God. Naomi Goldenberg, a professor at the University of Ottawa, claims that God is going to changeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We women are going to bring an end to Godà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We will be the end of Him. Allan Turners claim that radical feminism is anti-Christ stems from the fact that radical feminists reject the idea of Son of Man because it is too masculine. Their being radical is also manifested on their views regarding sex. Murray, the author of Confessions of an Ex-Feminist, mentions in his interview with Olson that for the radical feminists, sex is jus t another physical act that brings pleasure and nothing more. This is contrary to the religious view on marriage because sex should only be done between a man and a woman bonded together by marriage. Many research studies have proven the benefits of marriage. The research by Waite mentions that the benefits of marriage include: better quality of the marriage relationship of the couple, brings in better health for the two because the relationship in itself allows the two people to grow with better resources and lesser costs of living (3). He also claims that marriage lessens depression and alcohol abusebetter psychological health for both husband and wife (3). Moreover, the research shows that the benefits of marriage are not just limited to husband and wife but also to children. Children who grow up with their biological and intact families are well-off because the environment is most suitable for the childrens development (Parke 9). Acs and Nelson also clearly shows that the benefit of marriage by stressing that children who are living with non-married parents fare worse than children living with their married parents (1). Many pivotal benefits of marriage have been proven by many researchers and yet, the radical feminists want to destroy the family tradition, a practice according to Gods creation. First of all, they want to destroy the traditional family structure which consists of father, mother and children because they see this condition as women being subjugated by men husbands (Snyder-Hall 257). They also pursue lesbianism and same-sex marriage in order to eliminate the subjugation of women. This would mean that they could practice liberation to its fullness (Snyder-Hall 255). Their attempts to destroy the traditional family are starting to grow as a political and social movement as well. According to Ubacs news article, the prominent feminist party-list group in the Philippines, Gabriela, has re-filed their bill to legalize divorce. The news article further detailed the womens party-list groups other grounds for filing for divorce, for example, irreparable marriages. The media has also been a proprietor of radical feminism. Although subtle, some movies have themes regarding radical feminism. A recent film of Jennifer Aniston, The Switch, it touches on the idea of how women can live without men and how women can get pregnant without a husband or a man. The radical feminists attempts to destroy the traditional form of marriage, however, are against the teaching of the Bible. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure (New American Bible, Hebrews 13.4). The Bibles view of marriage and sexuality is also very holy unlike radical feminists degrading view of these. He who finds a wife finds happiness; it is a favor he receives from the LORD (Proverbs 18.22). It is also shown by Mark who says But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother (and be joined to his wife), and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate (Mark 10.6-9). With respect to the teaching of the Bible, the church also stands against the radical feminists point of view and teaches otherwise. Mulieris Dignitatem 31 says that therefore  the Church gives thanks for each and every woman:  for mothers, for sisters, for wives; for women consecrated to God in virginity; for women dedicated to the many human beings who await the gratuitous love of another person; for women who watch over the human persons in the family, which is the fundamental sign of the human community; for women who work professionally, and who at times are burdened by a great social responsibility It is also said in Paragraph 14 of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Therefore, the promotion of women within society must be understood and desired as a humanization accomplished through those values, rediscovered thanks to women. Every outlook which presents itself as a conflict between the sexes is only an illusion and a danger: Without prejudice to the advanc ement of womens rights in society and the family, these observations seek to correct the perspective which views men as enemies to be overcome. The proper condition of the male-female relationship cannot be a kind of mistrustful and defensive opposition. Their relationship needs to be lived in peace and in the happiness of shared love. Objectives of the Project Upon presenting the subject matter the group increased awareness about radical feminism as a modern type of thinking, shared what the Churchs stand about this radical type of thinking is and shared information on how radical feminists work their way through media to establish their stand against the traditional marriage. Methodology In implementing the project the researchers collaborated with Rev. Ariel Jornales, the director of the Evangelical Theological College of the Philippines (ETCP). Rev. Jornales agreed to have us share our research with his students. Upon following up our schedule, he told the group that he announced to all students of ETCP to attend our talk if they are interested. The implementation happened at August 25, 2010 and the allotted time for the researchers to present was two hours, from 10 am to 12 noon. The implementation took place at Lot 1, Block 1, Birds of Paradise St. Valley Golf Subdivision. Cainta, Rizal. The audience consisted of professors, pastors and Theology students. The researchers took turns in presenting different parts of the subject matter. First, an icebreaker was initiated by the presenters. The audience was tasked to read some quotations from renowned radical feminists and provide feedback regarding a quotation. After this the researchers provided a short history abo ut the subject matter. The presenters then moved into the meat of the matter and discussed the Sacred Scripture and Churchs stand on the issue. An open forum was conducted after the talk and further discussions with the audience was entertained. The group presented for an hour and the open forum lasted for thirty minutes. All in all, not more than 250 Php was spent for transportation and photocopying expenses. Data Presentation and Analysis Before presenting the projects data, it is important to recall what this projects objectives were and these were the following: to increase awareness about radical feminism as a modern type of thinking; to share what the Churchs stand about this radical type of thinking is; and to share information on how radical feminists work their way through media to establish their stand against the traditional marriage. These objectives are the basis of how well the implementation went, relative to the results. To present the data in a more organized manner, the group decided to divide the presentation of the data into two. This was because for numbers 1-5, the students were asked to answer a Likert scale, while for numbers 6-8, they were asked to answer questions in sentences. For numbers 1-5, the researchers tallied the students answers for each item among the choices presented: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree, which we presented in the graph below. Additional information regarding the data presented are indicated below the graph. Figure I. Responses for questions 1 to 5 *Only 19 of the expected 35 attended the talk. For number 3, one person did not answer that particular item. For numbers 6-8, we had to be particularly lenient with some of the items that may seem ambiguous, because several of the students expressed difficulty in answering in English, although they preferred to answer in English. Figure II. Responses for questions number 6 to 8 For 7.b, one person was unable to finish writing. However, her answer was counted under Answered, because the beginning of what she wrote (the word ANTI- with a line after the hyphen) would have been anti-Bible, which is a relevant answer to the question. It is disconcerting that three people still think that all forms of feminism are anti-Christian after the talk. It is also unsettling that five people think that feminism is anti-patriarchal, two people disagree that radical feminism is incompatible with traditional marriage, three people strongly disagree that radical feminism believes in same-sex marriage and divorce, and one person strongly disagrees that Christianity promotes the rights and dignity of women. It is possible that some of them simply did not read the evaluation form carefully, or answered in haste since they had a class to attend after. It is also possible that not everyone understood the talk because the medium of instruction used was English. The majority of them might have been more comfortable with Filipino, as some of them expressed when they asked to speak in Filipino during the activity. Despite this, majority of the students not only answered the items, but they also answered them based on the presentation of the group. Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations Radical feminism is one kind of feminism, like its roots, is for womens equality and freedom from subjugation. This goal might be a little positive but, the twist of the movement comes from their radical thought that patriarchy is the root of all the inequality that the people are experiencing and sought to be eradicated. They propose a total eradication of men. It seeps subtly through media, although not visible to a person with no knowledge of the movement there are shows and movies which basically support the movements ideologies. The results of the implementation showed that there is not enough information about radical feminism. Radical feminism as a movement is also misunderstood. Also, it is relatively new to the groups audience and is therefore considered to be good that they were able to share this new learning with them and although it was quite new, majority of the audience were able to have a basic understanding of the topic. For groups that would do a further research and implementation on the topic, the recommendations of the group are as follows: Provide a more Filipino context for the researches. As what the group found out during the open forum that was held after the lecture, there is a significant amount of literature that could be referenced when putting radical feminism in the Filipino context. Tackle more a bit on the difference of radical feminism and other forms of radical feminism. This could be more expounded on by future groups as this was briefly discussed by the researchers. Also, if the future group provides clarity on the different forms of feminism (other than radical feminism) the audience might be able to grasp more of what radical feminism is and what it is not. Utilize a medium of language that is best for the audience. Based on the groups evaluation forms and analysis of data, the content of the presentation might have been better if Filipino or Tagalog was used in explaining the groups points.

Modern and Classic Examples of Chaos :: essays research papers

The Crucible by Arthur Miller was set in one of the most chaotic times in American history but not the last. In the 1950’s a similar haze of disarray fell on the people of America, in a period referred to as The Great American Red Scare. Like in The Crucible many were pressed and pressured to give names of the involved, whether it be witchcraft or â€Å"communist dealings†. Even highly respected of both societies were tried for a mere mentioning of there name. Then those who wouldn’t admit to the crime of which they were accused they were thrown in jail. In The Crucible Tituba and the girls were so afraid that they will be punished severely by the church that they start to give the names of people they "supposedly" saw with the Devil. In actuality, they may not have even seen any of these people with the Devil. But, it is their fear of the church's retribution that persuades them to give these names. And because they give these names, chaos in the town breaks out and all of the people are called in for questioning about whether or not they have â€Å"made compacts with the Devil.† During the Red Scare members or former of the American communist party were questioned and threatened til they gave names of other members and so forth, just as with the girls calling out names. In the 1950’s those who were merely refer to in a trial were brought in for questioning for un-American activities. The government was so afraid of the communist over throwing the government they took extreme measures to secure the nation. There was no such security, it sparked fear and caused chaos through the nation. Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse were arrested after the girls cried out in The Crucible. These two women are highly respected throughout the town. However, it only took the mentioning of their names for Danforth to think badly about them, and even go so far as to arrest them. Many people know that these two women are church-going, up-right women. This depicts the fear and chaos that has broken out in Salem. People are being arrested that should not be. In the second act of The Crucible, Giles refuses to give the name of the person who told him that Putnam is accusing people so that he can get their land. Modern and Classic Examples of Chaos :: essays research papers The Crucible by Arthur Miller was set in one of the most chaotic times in American history but not the last. In the 1950’s a similar haze of disarray fell on the people of America, in a period referred to as The Great American Red Scare. Like in The Crucible many were pressed and pressured to give names of the involved, whether it be witchcraft or â€Å"communist dealings†. Even highly respected of both societies were tried for a mere mentioning of there name. Then those who wouldn’t admit to the crime of which they were accused they were thrown in jail. In The Crucible Tituba and the girls were so afraid that they will be punished severely by the church that they start to give the names of people they "supposedly" saw with the Devil. In actuality, they may not have even seen any of these people with the Devil. But, it is their fear of the church's retribution that persuades them to give these names. And because they give these names, chaos in the town breaks out and all of the people are called in for questioning about whether or not they have â€Å"made compacts with the Devil.† During the Red Scare members or former of the American communist party were questioned and threatened til they gave names of other members and so forth, just as with the girls calling out names. In the 1950’s those who were merely refer to in a trial were brought in for questioning for un-American activities. The government was so afraid of the communist over throwing the government they took extreme measures to secure the nation. There was no such security, it sparked fear and caused chaos through the nation. Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse were arrested after the girls cried out in The Crucible. These two women are highly respected throughout the town. However, it only took the mentioning of their names for Danforth to think badly about them, and even go so far as to arrest them. Many people know that these two women are church-going, up-right women. This depicts the fear and chaos that has broken out in Salem. People are being arrested that should not be. In the second act of The Crucible, Giles refuses to give the name of the person who told him that Putnam is accusing people so that he can get their land.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Effects of Birth Order Essay -- Birth Human Behavior Personality E

Does birth order have an effect on personality? Does being first born make people more responsible? If someone is the middle born child, are they going to be more rebellious? If people are last born are they more likely to be on television? Are first born children inconsiderate and selfish or reliable and highly motivated? These, and many other questions are being thoroughly studied by psychologists (Harrigan, 1992). In 1923, the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler, wrote that a person's position in the family leaves an undeniable "stamp" on his or her "style of life" (Marzollo, 1990). Research has shown that birth order does indeed affect a child; however, it does not automatically shape personality. If it did, life would be much more predictable and a great deal less interesting (Marzollo, 1990). Yogi Bera, a famous baseball player, said "Every now and then a reporter who thinks he is Freud asks me if being the youngest is why I made it (playing professional baseball). I almost alw ays say yes, but I don't think it had anything to do with it" (Harrigan, 1992). Birth order doesn't explain everything about human behavior. Personality is affected by many different factors, such as heredity, family size, the spacing and sex of siblings, education, and upbringing. However, there is an awful lot of research and plain old "law of averages" supporting the affect of birth order on personality (Leman, 1985). There are four basic classifications of birth order: the oldest, the only, the middle, and the youngest. Each has its own set of advantages, as well as its own set of disadvantages. While the birth order factor isn't always exact, it does give many clues about why people are the way they are (Leman, 1985). If there is one word that describes first born children it would be "perfectionist" (Harrigan, 1992). First born children tend to be high achievers in whatever they do. Some traits customarily used to label first born children include reliable, conscientious, list maker, well organized, critical, serious, scholarly (Leman, 1985), self-assured, good leadership ability, eager to please, and nurturing (Brazelton, 1994). Also, first born children seem to have a heightened sense of right and wrong. It is common in most books about birth order that first born children get more press than only, middle, and youngest children. This... ...ute as a darling little baby, but the next minute she's compared unfavorably with an older sibling. He or she is often unfairly compared with older and stronger siblings. According to Beverly Hills-based psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M.D., the self-image of the youngest child may become confused (Lanning, 1991). As a result of conflicting experiences, youngest children can be extremely self-confident in someways and insecure in others (Leman, 1985). For the most part, youngest children learn to cope with the problems of self-doubt. In fact, youngest children often go on to become quite successful, thanks in part to their originality and determination to prove themselves to the world (Lanning, 1991). Often, they express their unique view of the world through the visual or literary arts. People-pleasing fields, such as art, comedy, entertainment and sales are full of youngest children (Lanning, 1991). Some examples of famous youngest children include Ronald Reagan (president, actor), Eddie Murphy (comedian), Paul Newman (actor), Mary Lou Retton (gymnast), Billy Crystal (comedian), Yogi Bera (baseball player), Ted Kennedy (politician), and Kevin Leman (psychologist)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing poems from different cultures. Essay -- English Literature

Comparing poems from different cultures. Many poems deal with the theme of cultural identity. I have chosen three to compare, they are: Search For My Tongue, by Sujata Bhatt Half-Caste, by John Agard and Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan, by Moniza Alvi. I chose these three poems because I feel that they all deal with different aspects of cultural identity. For example Search for my tongue covers the aspect of losing your native tongue and using a ‘foreign’ language, Half-Caste addresses the point of racism and stereotyping, whilst Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan highlights the issues of alienation and not being able to fit in with either side of your family. Search For My Tongue is quite unusual as instead of the text being in one language all the way through it starts in English and then changes into Arabic part of the way through. This leaves the reader with a feeling of disorientation and that the reader, unless bilingual in those two languages, can not read or make sense of the foreign language. This poem also relays to you the fact that even if you’ve forgotten your mother tongue and don’t speak it for some time it will always come back and blossom if it is used enough. The poet also puts the point across by repeating the word tongue over and over again. The foreign tongue can never take the place of the mother tongue, because it is part of your own identity. The passage ‘†¦.but over night while I dream it grows back..’ gives the impression that although you may speak in the foreign language most of the time you still dream in your native tongue and it will never go away. The poem ‘Half Cast’ also deals with the aspects of a different language but instead of writing in a ... ...e to fit in with either side of their family. For example when her Aunts bring the Candy-striped glass bangles they snapped and made her wrists bleed, this is because people from Asia are very small boned, so because of her being mixed race she was not able to put then. Also it says that her school friends where not impressed by her Salwar kameez, they wanted to see weekend clothes and where not interested in the mirror work or the story how three of them sailed toto England. I find all of these poems very interesting and thought provoking. My favourite out of these three is half-caste because it give such a strong point and all the examples make sense. Where we live there aren’t many people from different cultures, so we don’t face racism and people from mixed race that often. These poems make you see the points of view and traditions of other cultures.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Qualities and Skills Essay

A manager must have many skills and qualities. An ideal manager for a retail store must be able to bring out the best in others as well as themselves. A manager should be able to discipline his/her staff, working as a role model towards their staff. A good manager should also be able to commit to a task or activity. On the River Island website I found out information on special skills a manager should have to conduct his/her job successfully. An ideal manager should have good communication skills as they have to communicate with their employees, good leadership skills, are focused, able to persuade his/her employees and organised, a manager should be able to divide large tasks and activities into manageable ones. A manager with good communication skills can help to build an organised and effective team of employees. It also helps to build and manage performance of their team members, having good communication skills can benefit the maintenance of relationships between employees. It is also crucial for a manager because it allows them to deal with customer complaints limiting any negative feedback about your business. A manager should be able to be persuasive and have good organisational, leadership skills. This allows employees to feel as if they can trust their manager; they feel as if they want to be led by them not have to be. This not only helps an employee grow fond of their job but also motivates them to give 100% effort. Helping to give the business an outstanding reputation and influences more customers to buy from their store. Qualities and Skills of a Supervisor: Sometimes the manager may not be available so this is when a supervisor steps in. A supervisor has to have similar skills to a manager but supervisors are more in contact with their fellow employees. A supervisor should have good flexibility and time management as well as basic communication skills. A supervisor should be able to motivate his/her employees to perform as well as they can to help the business succeed. Good flexibility can ensure that a supervisor is responsive to changes in the work place and is not blown off by any difficult situations. For example a customer complaint, a good supervisor especially for River Island should be able to stay calm under pressure and respond quickly to difficult circumstances. This also helps to keep the reputation of the business at its highest as customers are more likely to buy from somewhere that is knowledgeable in all situations. A supervisor should be able to manage their time, by doing this it keeps the employees confident that they are being led by someone who knows what they are doing, with this employees work harder increasing productivity, customer service and revenue.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Behavior Changes Essay

Behavioral changes and strategies can be taken in consideration in order to control obesity. Monitoring of food/calorie intake and changes in general eating habits may help control obesity (CDC, 2007). Change in physical activities like decreased television time and more time spent outside, engagement in sports activity to enhance and promote weight loss (Wolf et al, 1985). It can also be noted that parent participation is essential in order for any program for children to work as it was noted by Epstein et al (1987) that behaviorally based therapies that include parents are essentially more effective. Graves, Meyers, and Clark (1988) in their studies used problem-solving drills in a parent-child behavioral program and established that children who are in the problem-solving group, but not those in the behavioral treatment-only group, considerably reduced percentage of overweight and continued reduced weight for at least six months. Problem-solving training involved identifying possible weight-control problems and, as a group, discussing solutions. †¢ Diet Management Extreme weight loss solutions like fasting or heightened calorie reduction is not advisable for children in the sense that such moves might hinder the normal progression of growth in the child in question (CDC, 2007). It can also be mentally stressful for the child to be deprived of the normal eating habits and may hinder growth. A good knowledge of nutrition maybe a good thing to possess and consultations with a dietitian maybe considered in order to accurately know the right way to go in dieting and reducing weight especially if a child is involved. †¢ Increased Physical Activity Increase physical activities like engaging in sports or simply adapting a more active lifestyle may be a good predictor in reducing and ultimately avoiding obesity (CDC, 2007). A good exercise program if followed routinely is known to be a good way to eliminate fat and increase energy not only in children but in adults as well. One may opt to start more slowly; little changes can be done in order to increase activity, to increase outdoor playing time and activities with their guardians or parents to encourage them. And adapt a fun and enjoyable outdoor activity that can encourage the child to doing more of it rather than sit idly in front of the television or play video/computer games for hours on end. Extreme Obesity For extreme cases of obesity several pharmacological treatments and intervention are available. Pharmacotherapy is suggested for individuals with a BMI equal or greater than 30 kg/m2 or with a BMI equal or greater than 27 kg/m2 but with two or more weight related illnesses like coronary artery disease or diabetes or sleep apnea and who is not able to lose weight satisfactorily with the more conservative approaches (NHLBI, 1998). There are two drugs of choice either sibutramine (Meridia) or orlistat (Xenical), these are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the induction and maintenance of weight loss (Yanovsky & Yanovsky, 2002)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Genetically- Modified Foods and Ingredients Essay

Visiting a supermarket has become a usual experience of each one of us. We have to read all the labels that warn us against genetically-modified ingredients and its expiry date. I, try myself to calm down that epidemic services take control over dangerous products. Yet, I have my doubts in eating my favorite snack, French fries that is done in a fast food. The cumulative effect of genetically-modified foods is particularly dangerous for sensitive populations, including kids, elderly people and people who have indigestion people and even us, whose normal healthy living people. I have studies literature on genetically-modified ingredients, trying to be objective in my judgment. Genetically-modified ingredients advance the modern biology achievements. These products and ingredients strengthen the resistance to herbicides and improve nutritional food contents. Genetically-modified (GM) foods production lessens time-consuming than conventional breeding. Molecular Biologists have not discovered yet how harmful GM products and ingredients are but they claim that GM foods may be environmentally hazardous. Only allergy was recognized as negative effect of GM foods. We, cannot break out from the GM products, since two-thirds of genetically modified crops are corn, cotton, soybeans, potatoes even the fruits we eat. This is just a sign that we should be well inform on what is going in our world especially in our foods that can affect our living. We cannot escape from this advancement in our modern world but we, people, can prevent this to have real healthy living life style.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Napoleon Dynamite: High School Movie Painted on a Canvas Essay

Ahh yes, here we are again another high school movie filled with lots of loud hip music, partying, nudity, drugs, awkward social interaction, and teens rebelling against all authority and normalcy. That’s what these movies are about; right? Wrong. Napoleon Dynamite falls short of all stereotypical preconceived notions I had going into this movie. No everyday character trying to fit in, no parties, no sporting events that need to be won, and no drugs or drinking. The picture is actually very refreshing, the fact that it doesn’t have any of these rapidly changing scenes or dialogue filled with horny teens discussing their experiences and sexual destinies with each other. The introduction sets a long, slow pace for the movie, and really sets the artsy, low budget tone. Opening credits start with names written on items such as, school food, rulers, pencils, notebooks, and so on. The settings are dull, the music is strange and mellow, the wardrobe looks like it is from an early 90s thrift store, and it is set in a small town in Idaho which explains the movie so well. The main character is in fact Napoleon Dynamite, a nerd without much to brag about. He dawns coke bottle glasses, parachute pants, t-shirts with horses and dolphins on them, a fanny pack, and moon boots. He is everything a nerd would be from this era, but without the typical genius that normally comes with being a nerd. He isn’t a computer whiz and doesn’t engage in science or math club. In fact, he is actually part of the FFA which makes sense because he does help raise a llama at his grandma’s house, and also works for a day at a chicken coop. Don’t let any of this fool you, these are mere mentions for there is no part of Napoleon’s life that really dominates the movie. The movie consists of Napoleon, his brother Kipp, Pedro, and his Uncle Rico getting into lame situations and activities in a lame town. I mean as far as the major events consistent with teen movies, there is a dance and there is a school president election which becomes the main focus of the movie about ? of the way through the flick. Napoleon and Pedro run a campaign which amounts to maybe 4 scenes in the movie. They also have to ask out girls to the dance which maybe takes up 2 or 3 scenes, so it’s not centered on teen competition or romance. It really isn’t center around much, except the small adventures of the above mentioned characters. A worthy mention about this movie is that it is dry not just the humor but every aspect. It is dryer than a saltine cracker on a napkin, on a paper plate, in the middle of the Sahara desert. I mean dry. Every character involved is, not just Napoleon. The music, the scenery, the plot, the scenes, the interaction, and activities all fit together beautifully in this movie masterpiece. I can say this is definitely a work of art, this film is not a slap stick comedy by any means, but I found myself very pleased with the amount of laughter it brought into my life. There is no doubt this film will be a cult classic for years to come. This is a quote worthy movie, for the little dialogue that it does have. How or when to use those quotes in your daily life is probably a task however, mainly it would be while discussing Napoleon with another viewer. Short mention also, the camera work is simple and fabulous; they nailed the mood of the movie with the camera So what does happen in this movie you may be asking yourself? I have not really painted much of a selling review up to this point. It is a must see! If you have that eye for art, if you enjoy independent films, if you don’t mind an amateur cast, and you â€Å"get† dry humor than you need this movie in your life. I don’t want to spoil all of it for those who haven’t been graced with this movie. Napoleon calls his brother Kipp at home because he needs Chap Stick to cure his dry lips. Pedro has a sweet bicycle called the Sledgehammer and it is customized with pegs, shocks, and a Mexican flag on the back of the seat. Napoleon takes Kipp to a free trial at Rex-Kwan Do, a questionable martial arts instructor they saw on television; everyone knows that Kipp is training to be a cage fighter. Uncle Rico films himself throwing a football†¦ to nobody†¦ in a field†¦ alone†¦ with a van. Pedro shaves his head because his hair is making him hot. If that isn’t enough to make you want to watch this film than I’m not sure you would enjoy it. Mainstream movie goers would probably be better off with the likes of American Pie or Super Bad. Also a mention in closing, there is no crude humor, no nudity, nor foul language, so this movie is appropriate for all ages.

Assignment Rubrics

What are two obstacles you might deed to overcome (refer to your Life Factors and personality assessments). What strategies can you use to overcome these obstacles and be successful? How does knowing your personal learning style help you be successful? Do you feel you are ready for the academic and financial commitment of attending college? How can goal setting and time management help you reach your goals? Additional Comments: Readability and Style (2 points) Points Earned: X/2 Appropriate tone is used. Sentences are complete and clear. Spelling is correct.Grammar is appropriate to this level of coursework. Additional Comments: Total (5 points) points Earned: X,5 Overall Comments: Student Resources Worksheet completed with accurate location of each resources and a one sentence description of the resource Additional Comments: Points Earned: X/5 Responsible Borrowing Content and Development (3 point) The student responded to the following questions with appropriate thought and details: What is financial aid? How do grants differ from loans? What effect does class attendance have on funding availability?What did you find about student loan repayment plans? Why is having an educational financial plan important? Based on this plan, what is your estimated monthly payment when you enter repayment? As a result of completing the plan, what changes can you make to reduce the amount you might borrow? Why? Additional Comments: Week 2 Continuing Academic Success: Thesis Statement and Outline Co ntent and Development of Outline (5 points) An outline is created addressing a plan to incorporate effective strategies for success as a student. Outline is written in complete sentences/phrases.Included are the following: The benefit of creating educational goals, including at least one educational AOL you set for yourself Your personal learning style, as well as how knowing your learning style can help you be successful as you move through your program and career How the writing process can help you advance your education and career Which resources, inside and outside of the university, you can use to help you reach your goals and make you more successful An explanation of the importance of academic integrity Thesis Statement (5 points) A clear and concise thesis statement for the Personal Responsibility Essay is provided.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Discuss whether Microsoft's monopoly position is in the public Essay

Discuss whether Microsoft's monopoly position is in the public interest - Essay Example From an economic point of view, the question that may be asked by many people is whether this kind of monopoly is good for the public or the consumers or not. Microsoft has achieved a number of monopolistic positions in the market due to its bundling activity. In its early years, Microsoft entered into a deal with the main hardware manufacturers to compel them to sell each of their PC with Microsoft operating system and other application software. This meant that even those who did not intend to use Microsoft’s software had to pay for it then buy other software. Bundling other products such as a web browser and a media player with its operating system software has led to the firm gaining unfair advantage over competitors. However, it is the bundling of the java Runtime Environment that has caused the greatest commotion. JRE was developed by the now defunct Sun’s Microsystems and was meant to deliver a platform free programming environment through java. When Microsoft bu ndled it in its OS, it corrupted it and this was seen to work against the very idea of having a platform free programming environment. Monopoly has never been seen as good for the end consumers. In a country like America, monopoly or monopoly-like business situations have been seen to be harmful to the consumers as they make the producers so powerful that they can abuse their power, much to the consumers’ disadvantage (Geisst, 2000). Every firm looks and dreams of a monopoly in the market. Even for those businesses which operate in highly competitive markets, they always seek to create monopolistic environments, for their own advantage and not to the advantage of the consumers (Lele, 2007). With regard to Microsoft’s monopoly, the effect can be seen as both good and bad. Microsoft’s monopoly position is bad for consumers Microsoft’s monopoly is not in the public interest because monopoly in itself means that the firm can control the prices as well as the quality of the products it sells to the consumers. Monopoly, as Clark (2011) argues, is the opposite of perfect competition. Perfect competition is what is seen to be the ideal situation for consumers because the firms in a perfect completion market environment engaged in perfect competition and have to continue reducing their prices in order to entice the consumers (Machovec, 1995). Above, diagram showing how completion affects prices of products. Source: As Klein (2007) says, in perfect competition also, the firm also seek to improve the quality of the products in order to have an advantage over the other firms. These two factors, that is, quality and prices, are very important for the consumer. Above, diagram showing perfect competition in the long run equilibrium, Source: When competition is eliminated and one firm or a group of few numbers of firms have a monopolistic position in the market, the firms don’t have to reduce their prices or increase the quality of their product (Khan, 2007). In this regard, Microsoft’s monopoly is not good for the consumers because it means that the firm will not be motivated to revise the prices of its products and they will also not be motivated to increase the quality of their products. In the current situation, it means that Microsoft can decide how much to sell its software, especially its operating system and the office suite.