Friday, July 19, 2019

The Media During Times of War Essay -- Television Media TV Essays

The Media During Times of War The media has always tried to keep us as informed as possible on the events around us. Recently with the war in Iraq, the media has been doing what they can to keep all of us back at home aware of what’s happening. Some people feel that the amount of coverage given is â€Å"Un-American† while others think that the media is just doing what ever George W. Bush wants. The media has done only what they’ve always done, tried to get the story and make a name for themselves. On the ABS archives website, the titles alone show that the media isn’t a puppet to Bush; Two Soldiers Shot Dead in Mosul, US Soldier Killed in Blast North of Baghdad, Iraqi Oil Security Chief Killed in Mosul: Police, US Forces Kill Hungarian Student in Iraq, and several others missing a positive vibe (ABC). If the media was a puppet for Bush, I don’t think we’d be seeing all of this negative war coverage. This is where the other point of view comes in. Some people believe that all of the anti-war coverage along with the details repo... The Media During Times of War Essay -- Television Media TV Essays The Media During Times of War The media has always tried to keep us as informed as possible on the events around us. Recently with the war in Iraq, the media has been doing what they can to keep all of us back at home aware of what’s happening. Some people feel that the amount of coverage given is â€Å"Un-American† while others think that the media is just doing what ever George W. Bush wants. The media has done only what they’ve always done, tried to get the story and make a name for themselves. On the ABS archives website, the titles alone show that the media isn’t a puppet to Bush; Two Soldiers Shot Dead in Mosul, US Soldier Killed in Blast North of Baghdad, Iraqi Oil Security Chief Killed in Mosul: Police, US Forces Kill Hungarian Student in Iraq, and several others missing a positive vibe (ABC). If the media was a puppet for Bush, I don’t think we’d be seeing all of this negative war coverage. This is where the other point of view comes in. Some people believe that all of the anti-war coverage along with the details repo...

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